Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Year In Review

January 7, 2013.....WHAT the WHAT???? How did that happen? Where is the time going and why must it go there so quickly? Never mind - let's get to enjoying the moment. There is method to the madness of starting this blog up again. It has been just sitting there, reporting nothing, while my life is just moving along very nicely. I need to get back to this. I don't even want to know how many times I've said that.....'cause this is the one that counts! How about that title...The Year in Review? You might say, "Which year Willa - there have been a few that need reviewing." Well, we won't hit those years; just 2013, and we'll do it topically. That way you won't lose your place when you come back to this novelette. Marriage: Yup, still a happy girl there. 42 years married to my best friend and high school sweetheart! Last anniversary, June 1, we drove to Raleigh NC and spent a wonderful day and night there just walking while holding hands, talking while laughing, eating at a fabulous gluten free restaurant (more about that later), plus a little summer planning....and that's where the reporting stops! Spiritual: I continue to be blessed Sunday after Sunday and of course, daily, as we serve our Lord and worship with so many friends at Alexandria First Baptist Church. Our Sunday School teacher, Rozella is amazing and has such insight. We look forward to learning each week as we study God's Word with her. Our pastor, Don Davidson is so dedicated to his calling. He is a wonderful preacher, teacher and pastor and we never tire of his sermons. In January I was ordained as a deacon in our church. Sam and I are serving together on the diaconate of our church and each of us have several families that we minister to throughout the year. Attending our women's weekly Bible study, a Retreat in March (Williamsburg) and a Couples Retreat allowed me to continue growing in the Lord. Oh, and I read the Bble through chronologically last year for the second time and LOVED it. Doing it again this year with Sam and look forward to what we learn together! Health: I started the year gluten free. I call it undiagnosed celiac. My darling sister has been telling me for years that all my digestive problems are caused by this little annoying disease, but I didn't believe her even after she was diagnosed. So I decided, in late fall of 2011, to prove her wrong. WELL, that didn't work out the way I had planned. Turns out ALL my symptoms disappeared in 3 days and I haven't looked back since. I almost looked back when my doctor told me that in order to get an accurate diagnosis I'd have to start eating food with gluten for two weeks. NOT!! So celiac or not, I'm cured...as long as I don't eat gluten. But there was another little issue that needed attention - my gall bladder. After having 6 attacks in 4 months all the while refusing to have surgery (I thought I could control it with diet...) I had the pesky thing removed mid-June! HAPPY GIRL NOW! And then there is one more REALLY important change in the year 2012....I've lost 82 lbs. Even I have trouble recognizing me in the mirror but I like it A*L*O*T!! I have 18 more to go and they are the hardest - guess they've been on the longest but I have no doubt that I will do it....and soon. Did I mention that I love Weight Watchers! Family: Oh my do I love my family! I traveled a lot to Texas this past year - visiting Mom, Scott, Ally and the boys AND Baby Anna (more on that joy later), as well as my other family there - sister, brother, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins! And family came to me; Andy, Lisa, Alyssa and Katy visited us in May. It was the first time for the 5 year old twins and we "did the town!" Christin, Connor, Rachele and Olivia moved closer to us (than they were in California) and visited us in March. Such fun! And in September the adorable Baby Anna Grace Brown joined this happy clan. Scott and Alison are the proud (and I mean proud) parents of their first girl. Austin and Tyler have a baby sister at last and the entire Brown/Gilkeson family agree that she is just the most beautiful baby girl born in 2012! In addition to our immediate family growing, the extended family grew as well; My sister Jan added two new "grands" to the Smith clan....Brynne to Cory and Hannah, and Jude to Josh and Bethany. We had a big ole family reunion with everyone Thanksgiving and the next day as well. Counting my brother and Valorie we had 32 family members all in the same place at the same time! It was more than wonderful!! Grief: On July 5th my precious mother went home to be with her Lord and Savior as she celebrated her 90th birthday with the angels! She always said she wanted to live to the ripe old age of 90 and by golly, she did just that and slipped into eternity on her special day. We had the most amazing service and celebration of her life that I have ever witnessed. Surrounded by family and doing what we do best - sing - we just know she was smiling down on us as she was enjoying her party in Heaven. The party that will never end! And my three loves - Music, Longaberger, Stitching: I'm still teaching piano and coaching an occasional vocal student and I play for our Sunday School department. I still TRY to sell Longaberger but it isn't on the front burner anymore. I still love the products and adore the company! And lastly I became the president of the Loudon Sampler Guild last January and this has become a very important passion for me. I have learned so much about the samplers that were stitched by very young girls in the 18th and 19th centuries from these ladies. I have way more project than I could ever finish, but I'll keep at it and share them with you as they are completed. AND NOW: I say bring on 2013! I realize that this entry is waaaay too long for most to read and if you managed to get all the way through it....Thank YOU! If I can keep up, there will be no need for so many words next time even though my title is a Basket of Words! Blessings...WB

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